Pulsed Electro Magnetic Field Therapy (PEMF), is the process of directing pulsed energy waves towards damaged or injured areas of the body. It has been widely adopted in Europe for quite a while and the FDA here in the US is slowly beginning to approve some of its benefits in place of or in conjunction with drugs and other therapies.
My research on PEMF was focused on muscular, nervous system, and mitochondria recovery and optimization. In April of 2019, I had a chance to do a 1/2 hour session once per day for 3 days with Pulse Centers using the PulseXL Pro and several different attachments (table, paddles, and cushion) and I was given full control of frequency and pulse strength. On May 18, 2019, I was given the opportunity to test out the AMPCOIL at The Salt Room in Appleton, Wisconsin. This consisted of one 30 minute introduction session with the volume (power) turned all the way up per my request (something they had not done before and I was advised it was at my own risk).
My PulseXL Pro Experience

Marcia Swanberg, a Senior Product Specialist with Pulse Centers, was my very professional, informative and friendly guide. I was given a quick walk through of the system, asked about my specific needs, and given suggestions. After that, the PulseXL Pro was set up and I was given access to both the Frequency and the Power. It had me jumping like an electrocuted fish. This system has some VERY SERIOUS power – to the extent that maybe it should be studied for long term effects, or possibly cooking meat. Just kidding on the cooking meat thing…I think.
It was fast and effective, cutting through all my muscle tension and soreness from the stress of traveling in the first 10 minutes. After that, it was on to my hips which have been my most inflexible component for years. After about 20 minutes on hips and legs, I was more mobile than I can remember being in the last decade, possibly more. The effects of this were compounded by my next 2 daily visits and stuck with me for about 2 weeks before they began to fade. I was back to baseline at around the 19 day mark.
There’s always a negative with the positive. In order to get these results, there was definitely a level of discomfort. Not pain, but it isn’t something you can really relax to when turned up to the level of muscle twitch. I can hear a wise European who’s familiar with this technology saying “Silly Americans, always need to super size everything”. I don’t know what’s technically the best for everyone, but the high power low frequency definitely produced positive results for me.
My AMPCOIL Experience

After some great communication and an invitation from Sheryl (one of the owners) of The Salt Room, I headed in to see what the AMPCOIL was all about. I’m winding down a cold that involved a lot of coughing for me, which really tightened up my entire spinal area down into my hips and out to my shoulder blades. Ben was on staff when I went in, and after filling out my paperwork and giving me a very thorough explanation of the different programs and power settings, I chose high power to tackle my muscle aches. I started my session by placing the AMPCOIL unit between my shoulder blades and laying back in the antigravity chair – a chair that allows you to extend your body almost parallel to the ground like a hammock and mimics weightlessness. (I have these for camping and will say that they are comfy.)
Having come from the PulseXL Pro’s heavy capability and frequency tunability, I had a few doubts about “running a program” when I first started my session, but I did my best to set them aside. Even though I was on Volume 3 (the highest power level) I couldn’t tell it was on; there was no jumping musculature – not even a tingle – near the coil, so I meditated and waited. At about the 10 minute mark, I lowered the coil to hit my lower middle back. A few moments later, I believe I felt something. It felt like a small rhythmic pulse about 4-7x per second based on my experience with the frequency of the PulseXL Pro.
If I let my attention slip to anything else other than quiet and sensing, the feeling went away, so there is the possibility that it could have been my imagination. What wasn’t my imagination is that the stress between my shoulder blades had decreased by over 50%. I also had an improved general feeling of wellness and my moments of meditation time were spot on.
For my last several minutes I moved the coil down to my lower back and hip area to see if it would have the same effect as the PulseXL Pro on my hips and lower back (which were hurting from all the time in a bath tub filled with hot water to break up the congestion from my cold). It did have a net positive effect. The effect was not as noticeable as the PulseXL Pro, but I believe that this system can be every bit as effective and much gentler for the average user. Who knows, perhaps all the “programs” that come with the AMPCOIL also give additional benefits that can’t be had or are difficult to produce with a user-controlled frequency and higher power setting machine.
Closing Comments and My Opinion
After I did my tests I reviewed additional research from a NASA study indicating that low strength and low pulse frequency was the most beneficial. Since I’m not a physician, the following is opinion only and should be taken as such. If I were under constant physical duress as a professional athlete, I would lean towards the PulseXL Pro. For normal home use and my every day experience, I’m interested in the AMPCOIL. Consideration of my coaching clients’ interest in PEMF therapy, the price of purchasing the AMPCOIL, and the cost of treatments at The Salt Room in Appleton will help me decide if I will invest in one.
Thank you for reading. If you would like to engage my coaching skills or just have a question, please feel free to contact me.
Wishing you happiness, health, and success!