First things first. Happy Mother’s Day my dear reader! Now, onto my regularly scheduled post.
Oh, I’m a wise guy, I mean wise man alright…today I wanted to let my wonderful wife know how I truly felt about her. I also wanted to show her what I meant by enjoy this moment because it is temporary. So I wrote a list of some of the things I do for her that are my way of expressing my love. She adored it.
Then, I slowly ripped it into ribbons telling her that paper, like experiences and moments are temporary and should be loved but not held on to. She didn’t realize that I was trying to impart a lesson, I had given no context and she hadn’t asked for a lesson. What she saw was me taking a note that I had clearly made for and given to her, and deliberately destroying it. She became agitated and then I became agitated. I was definitely in the wrong here.
It’s far different imparting knowledge, thought, and/or wisdom to an unknowing party as compared to someone who is seeking it. My great appreciation for those of you who are looking knowledge and understanding and asking the questions as well as requesting my perceptions and understanding. Looking back at it, it didn’t feel quite right while I was doing it and my process to impart it was flawed. But I had a desire to try. So I did.
After an apologetic conversation with me laughing at the errors that I made and explaining to her why I did what I did, it dawned upon me that the life lesson was for me, not her. The life lesson I got reminds me of a saying I once heard. It goes something like “To be great at something, we must first be a novice or even poor at it, to become a novice at something we have to try or we will accomplish nothing”. I tried!
My attempt was initially embarrassing, and I had to do some backtracking and apologizing because of it. But I believe that my wife understood where I was coming from and appreciated, or at least put up with, my learning attempt to impart love and philosophy. The more I try, learn and question, the more of a wonderful and profound experience my journey here on planet earth becomes. That my dear reader is life well lived in my opinion.
Your life is in your hands, how are you making it better today? Are you trying something new? Perhaps honing some skill or tweaking a habit? If you would like to engage my coaching skills or just have a question, please feel free to contact me.
Wishing you happiness, health, and success!