Since you are reading this blog post, you’ve probably heard about The Law Of Attraction or LOA, read about it, and perhaps even tried it. Maybe you think it’s weird but interesting stuff or have another image/explanation of it in your mind. Whatever your reason, I’m grateful that you are here and hope this article helps sort things out a bit for you.
I’ve been intermittently studying, reading about, and consciously practicing LOA for over a decade now. After my first read of Rhonda Byrnes book “The Secret”, my thoughts were “ALRIGHT! I want to be rich, happy, and successful in everything I do…Universe/god/whatever, magically give it to me now!”. As you can imagine, I was a bit disappointed when everything didn’t fall into my lap that first month. But I kept an open mind and did see a few positive changes in my attitude and in my life as I did the suggested practices in the book.
So, after reading The Secret and doing the practices within, I had seen some success in my life getting better, but all the processes described didn’t fully resonate with me at the time. This is me, so down the rabbit hole I went! I then read “The Magic”, “The Power”, and even “The Hero” by Rhonda Byrne. I’m pretty sure I’ve at least bought a glass of coffee or tea for her with the book royalties she has made from my book purchases. I’m very grateful for her works because they helped me figure things out as I’m hoping this article will help you.
Things were better for me when I was actively practicing the LOA practices while reading the books, but I never received the windfall of magical health, wealth, success, and happiness I was looking for. Was I broken? Did I NOT operate under the normal laws of the Universe? What was the deal? Calm down, I wasn’t broken, I operate just like everyone else I know does, and the problem was I was looking for a lottery win, not a crop to come in.
The broad definition of LOA is like attracts like. So, happiness will attract more happiness, sadness will attract more sadness, etc. A little further into reading about LOA netted me the “Ask, believe, receive” meaning that you ask for something, believe you have it, and will receive it. I also heard think it, be grateful for it, and receive it, along with a bunch of other holy triad statements. All of them worked about the same for me, which was “a little” and only while being very actively practiced. So, what was I missing, why wasn’t it working?
So I expanded my search in making all my dreams come true with my usual Gusto! I researched meditation/altered states, neural sciences, different religions and prayer, and even magic/witchcraft. I found that a lot of those systems are not as separated as I would have thought. I may touch more on that in the future.
As I researched, made errors, and learned, I found some of the more advanced concepts of the LOA. They are Thought, Feeling, Vibration, and Frequency. The flow of that is as follows: thought creates feeling (energy/emotion), feeling creates a vibration, and that vibration is at a frequency. The frequency being put out to “the universe” is an attractant to like frequency. So it brings back more of the same.
My understanding of the real world flow (it’s a process) of LOA is thoughts create feelings (repeating a thought or series of thoughts will create thought habits), feelings can be used to inspire actions (repeated actions create action habits), and properly aligned habits create “success” where success is what you desire, such as a new home or job. So how can you use that? I’m glad that you asked. You can use it by training yourself to gain control of this process that has created, is creating and will continue to create your present moment, also known as your life.
The Warning Label That Should Be On LOA
LOA works for both negative as well as positive. So being angry, feeling undeserving, having a mindset of poverty, being unsure, and other negatives will attract more of what we do NOT want in our lives. While thinking about and feeling what we want attracts more of what we DO want into our lives. I REALLY wish that would have been more clearly pointed out when I started with LOA.
Be. Do. Have.
Most people, previously including myself, have a broken process model for life success. We believe that if we “Have” something, then we can “Do” something, then we will “Be” what we want to “Be”. It’s like waiting to “Have” a car so you can drive to work to “Do” a job so that you can make enough money to “Be” a car owner. This process isn’t just broken; frequently it creates a backsliding result as people become bored waiting, and depressed about the lack of success.
What if there were a better way, what if we could be “pulled” towards our goals as if they were a magnet pulling metal or a larger gravity force acting upon a smaller object? That would be so easy if we could just be pulled instead of having to push! You need to emulate (“Be”) the person who has what you want, then you will take action (“Do”) what is necessary for you to achieve your desires, and then you will “Have” what you want because you ARE that person. I covered this in my blog post “Everything I Ever Wanted” if you would like further explanation.
BE Right Now
To BE is to be in the present, the right now. It’s where we all operate from. The past is a story we tell ourselves in this moment, and the future is something we are trying to forecast or create as we think about it in this moment. You are creating your present and influencing your future right now.
You are a human BEing. It is my responsibility and your responsibility to choose the thoughts that we pay attention to. What you think about is what creates your feelings and inspires you to action or inaction in this moment. Make your choices as the human BEing who is successful.
Thoughts Create Feelings
What you think about dictates what you feel. That is why we can “think about” things that make us happy and they make us happy. The brain is an amazing thing. Almost anything we repeat enough times becomes an automated process, a habit. We are constantly creating, strengthening, modifying, and removing thought patterns/habits in our minds.
So that you have some context for what comes next, as well as being a life coach, health coach, and biohacker, my lifelong love is computer technology. So I am employed as an Information Technologies Professional for an engineering firm as well as being an IT Project Management/Consultant as a hobby business.
I’ll use a personal example as a “work through” for the purpose of our conversation. It used to be that every time my cell phone would ring and I saw it was work or a hobby business client, I’d have a small panic attack and freak out, envisioning worst-case-scenarios.
Using Feelings To Create Actions
I didn’t like answering the phone and I was already at an elevated stress level when I answered. When I realized what I was doing, I walked myself through a question and answer session that allowed me to start consciously shifting my thought habits to be more productive.
Here is my personal question/answer session Q: “How many times have I gotten calls and there is a situation that absolutely requires me at work right now or the business will end?” A: “NONE”. Q: “How effective am I at helping people when I’m freaked out answering the phone?” A: “Not very”. Q: “What could I do better?” A: “Have the awareness that every phone call is an opportunity for me to help a valued business associate or one of my awesome coworkers.”
DO Something Repeatedly to Create Habit
Helping people is a driving force for a lot of what I do. It makes me happy. I made the decision that I would focus on improving the situation of whoever was calling me using my extensive technical knowledge. I was serious in this endeavor and made the decision to let calls go to voicemail if I couldn’t calm myself down in the moment, and then I would call them back as soon as I could. Every phone call and every day kept getting easier and better.
HAVE Success
It took me about 3 months before I had the habit of answering my cell phone with a smile and looking forward to being able to help. Now I look forward to the occasional business-related call on my cell phone and even wistfully wish for a call every now and then. My attitude has created an environment where my coworkers aren’t afraid to call me if they really need me, and everyone flourishes.
I’ve gotten a huge pay increase and a constant stream of kudos because of how effectively I can handle any situation at any time of the day at my job and my hobby business. For me this is now easy and enjoyable, and makes enough extra money to justify an accountant to keep taxes in line.
Now you know that:
- We are present moment Beings
- Thoughts create feelings
- Repeated thoughts create habitual thought patterns and feelings
- Feelings can be used to inspire action
- Repeated action creates action habits
- Thought patterns and action habits create your reality.
The choice is now in your hands as to how you feel and how successful you are in this moment and all the future moments. That responsibility is a powerful force for your life. You are now responsible for your happiness from this moment until the end of your life’s journey. It is my firm belief that you deserve happiness, health, wealth, peace, love, and success. It is my intention that this article empowers you to make the most of your life.
That’s it for now. Thank you for reading. Make it a magnificent week. If you have an idea for an article or want to engage my consulting or research services, please contact me.
Wishing you happiness, health, and success!